Thursday, March 14, 2024




About Me

Being  intensely  involved in developing  my hobbies of painting  and writing besides photography, this  blog Collection Of  My  Creations” is  a presentation  of my sustained interest and a testimony of expression of creative skills or imagination,  transformed  thru a  visual medium. Art covers a host of disciplines which  includes  painting  and writing.  A good art work, regardless of whatever category of  image it depicts,  produces a scintillating  experience  for the viewers through its  ingredients of captivating colors and convincing  compositions.


Similarly the other discipline of art is writing  – literary work.   In any language usage of  apt words and phrases in right context to transform an imaginative thought, will result in an invisible and  indelible  impact  in the minds of the readers.  The imaginative skills of a successful writer, particularly on  fiction combined with the above  tools ,will undoubtedly  present a well-knit  plot with clear and convincing  portrayal  of  the  various characters and  ambiance of  scenes and incidents. The skill of the writer gets all kudos when introducing  the unexpected twists and turns to the climax for a fitting  finale. The sustained interest in uninterrupted reading of that work n to its end,  bears testimony of the writer’s imaginative skills and its true transformation to a medium. In short, a writer’s wish  is always “a drop of ink should make a million think.”


Photography is another form of art. “It has the power to do more than reproduce what we see. It can transform the particular to the universal, the routine  to the poetic. And when we add our personal vision to the technology of photography, we cross the line from mere reproduction to transformation. As we move from science to art, we begin speaking with the vocabulary of aesthetics, not just a vocabulary of technology. With this shift we enter the world of photography”. The purpose of this blog is mainly to share my thoughts and some of the creations in art  with others.

P. Krishnamoorthy



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