Thursday, March 14, 2024


Collection of My Creations

P.  Krishnamoorthy





About Me

Being  intensely  involved in developing  my hobbies of painting  and writing besides photography, this  blog Collection Of  My  Creations” is  a presentation  of my sustained interest and a testimony of expression of creative skills or imagination,  transformed  thru a  visual medium. Art covers a host of disciplines which  includes  painting  and writing.  A good art work, regardless of whatever category of  image it depicts,  produces a scintillating  experience  for the viewers through its  ingredients of captivating colors and convincing  compositions.


Similarly the other discipline of art is writing  – literary work.   In any language usage of  apt words and phrases in right context to transform an imaginative thought, will result in an invisible and  indelible  impact  in the minds of the readers.  The imaginative skills of a successful writer, particularly on  fiction combined with the above  tools ,will undoubtedly  present a well-knit  plot with clear and convincing  portrayal  of  the  various characters and  ambiance of  scenes and incidents. The skill of the writer gets all kudos when introducing  the unexpected twists and turns to the climax for a fitting  finale. The sustained interest in uninterrupted reading of that work n to its end,  bears testimony of the writer’s imaginative skills and its true transformation to a medium. In short, a writer’s wish  is always “a drop of ink should make a million think.”


Photography is another form of art. “It has the power to do more than reproduce what we see. It can transform the particular to the universal, the routine  to the poetic. And when we add our personal vision to the technology of photography, we cross the line from mere reproduction to transformation. As we move from science to art, we begin speaking with the vocabulary of aesthetics, not just a vocabulary of technology. With this shift we enter the world of photography”. The purpose of this blog is mainly to share my thoughts and some of the creations in art  with others.

P. Krishnamoorthy




"Feathered  Friends"

 perch on a

 Dead Tree



      Floral Delight!


                    Art works by :                                            P.Krishnamoorthy               

Friday, March 1, 2024



- P. Krishnamoorthy

During her morning rounds in the maternity section, Dr. Susan had cleared Shreya for discharge.  Shreya came to the hospital a week before for delivery and she had to leave with the child. On hearing the discharge, she was confused as to where she could go with the newborn.  She had left all her kith and kin, trusting Sudhir’s romantic promises to marry her later. When Shreya’s parents were against her decision for marriage with him, Sudhir extended  the olive branch of ‘living together’ concept with him to tide over the present crisis and  delay the marriage.   Left with a predicament of two options either to forget him or to live with him on his terms, Shreya decided to accept Sudhir’s terms and moved in to the new life.    Later when Shreya divulged to Sudhir that she was in the family way, he showed his indignation and resentment. He left Shreya on the pretext that he got a job in Dubai. She was reluctant to go back to her parents. With a troubled mental setup and with the newborn, Shreya looked depressed about her future.  Suddenly Shreya’s eyes focused on the parked empty passenger rail coaches at a distance.  She felt some relief to keep the crying baby in one of the coaches to stop crying. At that time a middle-aged passerby, who was strolling in that area, heard the baby’s crying, wanted to look at it. Shreya immediately hid her presence and was anxious to know his next move. Since the baby’s crying continued, he went into the compartment and looked around to see whether anybody was rushing to take care of the baby.  After making sure that nobody came to claim the crying baby, the stranger took the baby in his hands and looked at the child. Shreya was watching his movements, and to her surprise the stranger looked around again.  As nobody came forward to claim the child, he carried the baby with him and left the place. Shreya was relieved as the child would hopefully grow well somewhere under his care. Though Shreya was outwardly happy with getting rid of the child, her inner motherly conscience emotionally tormented her with tears in her eyes on the parting. She regrettably had to feel her sentimental attachment to the child was over with her discarding. She was feeling consoled by her wishful thought that the child would grow well under somebody’s care.

Amidst her various thoughts relating to her future, Shreya saw a political women’s procession with more than one hundred members passing through her place. Suddenly something flashed in her mind. Shreya quietly merged into the crowd and joined in their chorus of slogans. As her voice was loud and bold, they attracted the leader and other members. At the end of the session in the party office, the leader enquired about Shreya’s personal details. She allowed Shreya to stay in the office premises itself. Shreya soon became indispensable for her oratory and rhetoric for various party street meetings. Shreya’s speeches attracted and impacted all sections of the public, thereby she was elevated to party’s general secretary’s position. More than all the accolades she got Shreya was immensely pleased when she was nominated   as the party’s candidate in one of their constituencies’ bye elections. By this she felt she had achieved the initial step in her life’s ambition. The disappointment she suffered in Sudhir abandoning her and her child’s memories repeatedly followed like a shadow in her and made sleepless nights for her.

During one of her visits to the election constituency, Shreya had to call on an influential family in a mansion for their support. In the mansion, she had a shock and felt a big blow on her head at the sight of a picture.   The lady of that mansion was mentioning that she was living alone with her only daughter. She was pointing the framed picture on the wall as her husband ‘Shyam’ who died in a car accident.  Shreya was stunned as the man in the picture was Sudhir.  With a changed name as Shyam, he got married to that lady for her affluence.  Unable to control her reactive feelings, Shreya left that house without solicitation for the election.  Even after her return to the party office, she suffered mental shock due to that incident’s impact on her.

Time immemorial, the adolescent attraction between two sexes had been a natural occurrence, leading to promises of joining together in life as partners. Some achieve what they wished for, and some end up unsuccessful in their ambitions. Some even discard the partner to abide their parent’s decision against the choice of the partner.  Some to go after their beloved ones leaving the parents   and lead a life under the new concept of ‘living together’. Under the new concept they marry later after they make sure they are compatible with each other in their individual likes and dislikes.  Unfortunately, some in the fair sex, trusting partner’s promises, fall prey early to end up in the family way.

Shreya was a victim of such a situation. Sudhir’s promise to get married to her later was misleading to execute his own plan. Instead, he married the other lady for her wealth. This situation had drastically changed Shreya’s attitude towards Sudhir to a male chauvinist.  Sudhir’s repeated assurance that he would come back and marry her, made Shreya deliver the baby. Otherwise, she had the option to abort it.  Shreya was more agitated and deeply offended whenever she recalled the scenario in her memory. The consequent effect made Shreya to fight against male chauvinism at all levels. She made a vow to fight for woman’s’ rights and privileges against male chauvinism and conveyed this indirectly in all her party speeches. Some male members in the party objected to her severe condemnation but Shreya had the full support from the female members and public women for her cause. When Shreya got a grievance from one of the members whose daughter was ill treated by her husband, she was able to sort out their problem with the help of the police. With her male chauvinism attitude, even trivial mistakes by males were not condoned by her. Though Shreya was able to reach high with her present position in the party, the irreplaceable attachment with her parents she lost forever due to Sudhir’s betrayal.

To her surprise, Shreya became the education minister in the cabinet with more responsibilities and all perks like independent villa, security and cooking staff, latest model car with driver, etc. She became a celebrity idol with fame and fortune knocking on her doors. She was deemed exceptional in developing projects for the education of the poor. Shreya was invited to be the keynote speaker in a school day cultural program. After prayer, she delivered her speech followed by other speakers. Before commencement of cultural events, there was a singing competition.  Among the contenders, there was one blind student, who sang a patriotic Bharathi song. The entire audience was enthralled with his singing. When he finished the song, the audience stood and applauded his singing. The judges of the competition also announced him as the winner of the singing competition. He was introduced as Raju by his teacher.  Shreya was emotionally moved by his blindness as also with his melodious voice. For no rhyme or reason Shreya was experiencing the feeling of bondage emotions at the sight of Raju. Her inner emotions could incredibly outburst, but she controlled them to preserve her public image. She wanted to help him to revive his eyesight. When Shreya went to the dais to distribute the prize to him, his teacher was with him. Shreya enquired about details of Raju.

The teacher briefed Shreya that he was an orphan. He found him as an unclaimed infant crying in a railway compartment. As a passerby, the teacher heard the child crying. When he knew that the child was unclaimed and crying for a long time, he brought the baby with him. On hearing this, Shreya felt embarrassed as she was not able to openly declare her ownership of that baby  due to her ministerial status. When the teacher found the child lost eyesight, he checked with a doctor who confirmed that he lost his sight at birth. On hearing his narration, Shreya became very emotional, but she concealed her feelings within her. Shreya immediately took her cheque book and wrote a check for fifty lakhs rupees in Raju’s name. After a   brief pause the teacher took Shreya aside to tell her something discreetly.

 What the teacher told Shreya made her feel as if there was a big earthquake. Also, she experienced as if she was stabbed with many knives. The teacher said that Raju suffered from fever since last week and when doctor checked and diagnosed, he had cancer, and he would not survive beyond three months. Still If she would like to give the check, the teacher requested her to make it in the name of the school for the new building coming up.  

To accomplish her ambition of a rich and comfortable life, Shreya discarded voluntarily her own child. God had punished her for such ruthless selfish attitude, by directing her to witness a scenario where she would see her blind dying son and present him a gift. She was tormented at that impactful scene and felt her heart shattered into a million pieces. She regretted the absence of proper care and nourishment in Raju’s life during the bygone years. She felt ashamed of immersing herself in life comforts when Raju lacked even the basic conditions in living.  She sensed guilty in not making any effort to know his whereabouts and find him, despite her memories often reminding her of the child. The other partner of the episode Sudhir was also mercilessly punished by the Almighty through his death in a car accident. The accolades, laurels and societal status in life would never offset what Shreya lost in the motherly happiness in taking care of her own child and the family life.