Friday, September 30, 2022


- P.Krishnamoorthy

“Moonlighting refers to pursuing more than one job at a time and remote working has helped employees take up this option”.

With this introduction ‘MOONLIGHTING’ episode commences with the life of Jayanth Verma, a young man of twenty five years in the city of Bangalore, India. A topper in computer engineering graduation with full of ambitions and aspirations to become somebody highly regarded rich and well-known in the society. He was selected in the college campus interview by Tell Technologies a leading IT company for a computer programmer position with a handsome salary and perks to start with. At the time of joining Tell Technologies required him to sign as formal acceptance of various terms and conditions that included one dealt with moonlighting. As the offer was very attractive for a raw  graduate, Jayanth was very happy to accept the various conditions According to company regulation, he had to undergo training of one month before any assignment handled by him. He was also assured a pay increase after six months based on his performance. 

Jayanth was jubilant in taking his first on-line assignment with Orient Drinks, a leading firm dealing with food and beverage products.  As he successfully handled various programs for various processes, the first impression of his skills was quite evident and paved the way for future ones. At the end of six month Tell Technologies raised his emoluments to a decent level, his first ambition was to get a car from a two-wheeler. Since things were very favorably progressing, his life style also was gradually changing. He could afford to attend expensive pubs and his circle of friends of both sex became wider. In a short time Jayanth became very popular. His original computer skills and talents now added with practical knowledge of different assignments made him an indispensable to the organization. 

Two years had passed. Jayanth, though achieved laurels and recognition for his skills in computer literacy and public relations, they were not commensurate with his financial standing. He was exploring other avenues to make additional income. One such venture gave him an opportunity with a overseas assignment of challenging type to his skills thru online operation. Also he would be paid a very attractive   remuneration. The offer was from a leading American firm - .Energy Efficient. Though it involved working in the nights due to time difference, Jayanth took this challenge and commenced working for the new firm. They are also dealing with food and beverage products similar to the firm he was already working. Since it was just computer related job, he knew that there would be no competition between the two. He totally forgot the company's  ruling against 'moonlighting'. As the days passed with both jobs on hand, Jayanth was jubilant as  his bank balance also simultaneously increased. He moved to a spacious bigger house in a posh neighborhood. 

 As things worked in his way, he was thinking it was time for him to settle down in life. He was trying for a life partner. Through his attending various social parties, Jayanth was also lucky in meeting Sadhana, daughter of a rich jeweler in the city. In their first meeting itself, after both exchanged pleasantries, Sadhana proposed him for settling down in life. It was a ‘bolt from the blue’ for Jayanth, for, he had least expected that she would propose to him so fast. Since she was an attractive girl, with well-educated background and from a well-to-do family, he reciprocated her proposal. When he asked whether her parents would agree to their alliance, Sadhana confidently said her father would agree to her wishes as she was the only child and that her mother died when she was very young. 

Tell Technologies was very happy with Jayanth’s performance. But they were not yet aware of a ‘moonlighting’ being carried on by Jayanth in spite of his employers ruling that was against such assignments. He also knew that Energy Efficient was their main competitor in beverages'  business. 

Energy Efficient sent a discreet oral feeler to Jayanth whether he could help them in finding their processing formula for one of their fast moving soft drink. They also assured  him with  substantial financial reward for that help.  It was a strange coincidence Jayanth accidentally got access to the processing formula in one of his a programming phase. Jayanth jumped at their timely offer and passed on the processing formula of Orient Drinks to Energy Efficient,

With this competitor’s formula, extensive marketing network and  at reduced price, Energy Efficient had increased their market sales of the soft drink considerably over Orient Drinks. Consequently the value of shares of Energy Efficient had risen very well whereas the shares of Orient Drinks had a nose dive in the share market. On investigation Orient Drinks had found out the part played by Jayanth of Tell Technologies. Immediately they had cancelled the contract with Tell Technologies and proceeded with legal action on them Since moonlighting was against Tell Technologies’ rules that were stipulated in the employment contract with Jayanth, they suspended him from service to take  legal action against him.  

When these processes were going on, Sadhana’s prolonged silence without any move on her earlier proposal,  bewildered to Jayanth.  He had even an apprehension whether he would marry her and settle in life. Later he found the reason for her silence as her father’s demise after suffering from cancer. She was busy in taking care of his jewelry business fulltime. Even when he took the initiative and called her on the phone, Sadhana abruptly closed the call. This response from her, led Jayanth to assume that she would break her  earlier proposal of marriage.    

A week after,  one morning Jayanth was to meet his attorney to discuss about his legal problems. As he opened the TV, he was thrilled to hear the breaking news of Energy Efficient bought all the shares of Orient Drinks and taken full control. The next news was a 'jackpot' for him - Jayanth Verma would be the new Chief Executive of Energy Efficient.  With the merger Jayanth was happy that he would be relieved from all litigations.  Though Jayanth had all happiness on his professional accomplishment, he felt he was a total failure in settling in life.  As he was opening the entrance door to leave, there stood Sadhana holding a bouquet of flowers to revive her earlier marriage proposal and to apologise for her abrupt response due to a business emergency.     

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