Thursday, May 27, 2021

 The Silent and Invisible Killer of the Century

                - P. Krishnamoorthy

     The global outbreak of covid-19 in December 2019 was unprecedented in the annals of human memories. So far it had taken a big toll on human lives. The world population got affected very drastically till the advent of a vaccine in December 2020. Its instant contagious character compelled many protective measures like wearing face masks, social distancing and, lock-down situations. Globally so far nearly fifteen million cases of covid-19 and more than three million deaths were reported. With the 'silent and invisible killer' making its existence the deadliest pandemic, the daily life of human beings became miserable. Also, this infectious and communicable disease had become one of the major public health challenges for many countries in the world. With this backdrop, the following episode had its creation. 

    With the first morning coffee on hand, Deepika, as usual, greeted the day's newspaper that was lying at the entrance door. In her cursory glance, the headlines carried the alarming scenario with the phenomenal surge in COVID-19 cases. With the shortages of oxygen cylinders and ventilators in hospitals, the situation became worse, with the increase of death cases. The shocking truth was the attending doctors were disappointed with the numerous deaths, as most of the lives could have saved from demise if the oxygen facilities were timely available. This made Deepika curious to read that news in detail. Inside, the photos depicting the corpses waiting in a line to be cremated while many were in the process of burning. She could not control her emotions on seeing such ghastly images. 

    Deepika, one of the managerial staff of a multi-national IT company, was the eldest daughter in a middle-class family headed by Arvind Sharma, a retired Engineer and supported by his wife, Sharada. Sharat, the only son in the family, a sophomore in a college, was brilliant in academics and excelled in athletics. The whole family believed in a very simple and conventional living. Deepika used to wear the facial mask, observed social distancing and, follow other restrictions meticulously even in the office. She ensured that her family members also follow such governmental directives. In her household, she insisted that the disinfectant spray and wipes be used before any package or vegetables delivered to her home. She would take all precautions to keep the 'silent and invisible killer' away from her family. She often recollected the tragedy and its calamities when one of her male staff lost his fiancée due to covid-19. His emotional words in the funeral "I wanted to marry her and not to bury her" were indelibly imprinted in Deepika's mind. 

    Chitra, her next-door neighbor and, a close pal since school days, was admitted to a hospital as she was tested covid-19 positive. She was a journalist and in her moving with various types of people she got this deadly disease. Fortunately, she was diagnosed as only in an initial stage and could be cured. She was more concerned about Chitra and often enquired about her condition telephonically with the hospital. She was also eager to know the date of discharge. 

    One evening when Deepika returned from office, she found Sharat was yet to return from the college. She was enquiring about him with her parents. They said that he informed them over the phone that he would be returning late as he had to attend a friend's birthday party. She was complacent and confident that she and her family were successful in keeping the 'monster devil' away from them. She had a sigh of relief over that except her feelings for Chitra. She offered special prayers for her speedy recovery.

    The media reports extensively carried the startling developments about covid-19 It was shameful that the co¬vid-19 safety protocols were violated with the vast assembly of people at election rallies and the Kumbh Mela, and had broken the al¬ready wearied healthcare system. Though policymakers had the power and responsibility to save millions of lives, their other priorities were given importance. 

    Sharat came home late, looking very tired. Later he developed a continuous cough combined with mild temperature. On inquiry, he revealed his interaction was with his friend's parents from Delhi, who had come down for the birthday function. They were shaking hands and interacting with him without any face mask. Since they had come from Delhi where covid-19 was widely prevalent. Deepika assumed they might have covid infected and that might be the possible source Sharat got the acute respiratory distress syndrome. She was certain that Sharat got the covid virus as its symptoms were well displayed on him.

    She was rushing Sharat to a nearby hospital for immediate treatment in their car. She already spoke to her family friend in the hospital. En route Sharat experienced a severe breathing problem. Deepika also saw his condition becoming worse. On reaching the hospital, the authorities informed Deepika that they cannot take Sharat as they do not have oxygen cylinders and ventilators for immediate treatment. Deepika pleaded with the doctor to admit him as he was suffering from an acute breathing problem and there was no nearby hospital to take him. Her hospital friend also pressured the doctor to admit him. On seeing the young patient, the doctor felt he may survive with manual respiratory treatment, finally admitted him to the ICU. 

    His savior at the moment was a standard oxygen cylinder and a ventilator. After some manual attempts also, his breathing had not improved to a normal level. The doctor got frustrated with his helplessness to save him. But he was not giving up his efforts, the doctor decided to try one full-size E-cylinder kept in the operating room for the anesthetic purpose. Instantly it was brought and connected to Sharat. The problem got solved but it would be short-lived because of the limited capacity of oxygen in the e-cylinder. The doctor also personally felt bad over such situations as when you lose a patient you lose a part of yourself that could never erase from one's memory. Deepika and other friends were anxiously waiting outside to know the result of the treatment. They could see that there was some development with nurses rushing in and out of ICU but nothing was known. 

    Suddenly there was some commotion going on. The nurse who was in another ICU room rushed to the doctor and said that the old lady with the heart problem had become unconscious. The old lady from a rich celebrity family got admitted to the hospital on the previous day for heart disease. Since she had been a chronic heart patient, she had all the medical facilities at home. When she came, she was accompanied by a mini-hospital. Since she was eighty and with pre-existing multiple health problems, she failed in her fight with the disease. The doctor found that she had passed away just a few minutes before due to a heart attack. 

    On checking the level of oxygen in the meter, alarmingly he found that it would completely deplete in minutes. Even the doctor's strong mental forte, which had infused courage in him several times in critical scenarios, had a severe setback at that time because of emotional distress. He got perplexed and confused about this development. The life of Sharat would become extinct if he was not immediately connected to a standard oxygen cylinder. The doctor got distressed when he noticed that the patient's pulse rate drastically dropping due to disruption in breathing. It was a clear indication that Sharat's condition was getting too critical.

    His tearful eyes were focused on the meter of the E-cylinder. He was aware that the depleted cylinder and its replacement immediately not available. a young life would become a corpse in few seconds. He was utterly desperate and helpless. When realities go beyond one's reach, the human tendency would only seek divine help. The only recourse left for the doctor was to offer special prayers to make Sharat out of the woods. 

    When the scenario was so grave of having a young human life hanging in the balance, a casual and routine query of the nurse to the doctor, turned the scale to optimism. On hearing the query, the doctor had a flash of thought. Till then his concentration was all about Sharat's sinking stage and this option never occurred to his senses. He instantly reacted and responded to her. All that her trivial query was since the old lady had died whether she could close all her medical equipment. On hearing her query, the doctor's face was brightened and cheerful due to his flash of thought that gave him some positive vibes. 

    He immediately ordered and the oxygen cylinder and ventilator were brought and connected to Sharat. Still, the doctor was apprehensive about the outcome as there could be a slip between the cup and the lip. He continued his focus on Sharat. It was a miracle that Sharat became conscious in minutes. He was able to breathe gradually. The doctor yelled 'eureka' on the success of his effort. He was jubilant and delighted on seeing Sharat escaped from the clutches of death. The doctor had a sigh of relief for having saved a young life from the cruel covid-19. Being in the prime of youth, he had the courage of conviction to resist the deadly infection. When the good news was divulged to anxious Deepika and others, were extremely happy. The hospital authorities did not allow visitors to see Sharat as a covid-19 patient. 

    Deepika rushed home to inform her parents of the good news in detail. At the entrance itself, she noticed, a strange silence prevailed at home. Her parents looked very depressed and Deepika could guess something untoward happened. She was bewildered over their strange silence. They did not even enquire anything about Sharat's revival. After few minutes, they broke the tragic news that her friend Chitra had passed away in the morning and all her family members had gone to the hospital to complete the formalities. On hearing this, Deepika felt shattered as if a big blow hit on her head. She was wondering as to how she could die when she was recuperating well from covid-19 on the previous day. It appears that despite effective treatment, Chitra had a sudden relapse of the disease and succumbed to death. Deepika was too emotional about the death of her close longtime friend. With tears in her eyes and prayers in her lips for the departed soul, she realized that cheers and tears are two sides of the 'life coin'. 

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