Friday, October 23, 2020

                                                                THE WEEKEND HUSBAND




  Chaya was no exception to support the TGIF (Thank God it is Friday) slogan. As every American working-class looked to the weekend for a break before the next grind starts on Mondays, she was equally happy that was a Friday.  It was more than a break for Chaya, as she would be with her husband Riaz Sherif. She could be with him only on the weekends as Riaz was employed as a computer programmer in Boston, far from Chaya who worked as a paralegal assistant in Cleveland. Their efforts to settle down in one place proved futile since proper placements did not click in their favor. Her colleagues often made fun of her and labeled Riaz as her “weekend husband”. Their life of two-day togetherness was quite on an upbeat scale as it was charged with the absence of the other remaining days. It was a time of romantic renaissance when they dare not surface their differences on many issues to ensure the shorter period of togetherness had everything that they looked for.

During her college days, Chaya met Riaz. While Chaya belonged to a south Indian Hindu religious family, Riaz hailed from a traditional Muslim family from the Middle East. When they decided to become life partners after several datings, the question of the process of wedding certainly was a bone of contention between them. They finally resolved it to formalize their wedding in a Federal Bureau of Marriages, than solemnized on a religious basis. She would only wear a ring to mark their wedding. It was also understood and agreed by them that neither of them would impose their respective religious faith on the other and they would maintain their religious identities on an individual basis. In short, their living as a husband and wife on religious lines was more on a concept of ‘separately living together’. This was working out very well since they got married six months before. She also ensured that there was no confrontation or conflict on any issue with her ‘weekend husband’ during his short time stay.

Chaya and Riaz were very happy as the terms were strictly followed. Chaya was more concerned with one problem of not even informing their marriage to her father in India. Much as she wanted to inform him, she was reluctant to do so, as she was very sure that even a hint of her wedding with Riaz a Muslim would be the instant killer for her dad. Her father was a chronic heart patient and any effort on her part to reveal such disturbing news to him was nothing but a catastrophe written all over. As she lost her mother in her childhood, she grew as a father’s pet. Often her father used to call her on the telephone and never failed to discuss her marriage. She conveniently avoided any deep discussion on that subject with him on the premise that she needed some more time to even think about it. This was mainly due to his heart ailment. She knew that he will not take her wedding as a reality of time. She knew that he will not reconcile or compromise as he was a strong and staunch Hindu fundamentalist. She was just buying time through evasive responses. She also knew that she would not be able to hold that long. 

It was a Friday evening – TGIF – as she was expecting Riaz’s arrival. She was preparing her favorite dishes for dinner when she heard the door bell ringing.  She was sure that was Riaz and rushed to open the door. To her surprise she found a young Indian standing at the entrance. She was smart and handsome.  His eyes were powerful and radiating his inner energies. His dimpled cheeks added extra strength to his smartness. He did not wait to commence the conversation. As an extravert, he was a believer in initiating the conversations. He adjusted his voice to a perfect pitch with proper intonation and matched with perfect modulation, all to impress her with a lively conversation. Chaya ushered the young man into the living room.

“Hi! My name is Roshan. I am in Brownstone Apartments in Richmond Drive, three blocks from here. My parents are your dad’s neighbors in Bangalore. Your dad was trying to contact you over the phone several times today, but your phone was continuously busy. Through my dad, I have a message for you to be personally delivered to you. Your dad had just got back from the hospital after treatment for a mild heart attack and he is fine now". Even before he finished his words, she rushed to the telephone. She found him right as it was not properly placed on the set. As she placed the phone, there was an incoming call and that was Riaz on the line.

“I am very sorry I cannot make this weekend as scheduled as Sandra wants me to work on an important deadline project. I could not refuse her request. I am sure you will understand my predicament” As he finished his talk he was very eager to know Chaya’s reaction. She reacted with a mixture of disappointment and anger. Disappointment, as she would be missing him that weekend when she had made plans for him. Anger, as Sandra, Riaz’s boss, was holding him with her. Chaya’s concern was all about Sandra Lee who was single and beautiful in her thirties. Chaya’s thoughts assumed different dimensions that included Sandra enjoying her time with Riaz. Chaya felt that she had the first brush with trouble. With a note of despair, she quietly hung up.

Somehow there was a strange feeling within her revealing that Roshan’s visit was more a relieving factor to her. Certainly, Roshan’s presence helped her from an emotional outburst on that day’s disappointment. She was equally eager to know more details of her dad’s medical condition from Roshan. “Excuse me, Madam. It appears you are engrossed in some serious thoughts. It is better I meet you some other time.” Roshan’s interruption made her return to normal senses. She mobilized all her humility to offer an apology to him for her abrupt silence. Roshan began the conversation. “Madam. It was just a miracle that immediately your dad was rushed to the hospital on that day and they were able to save him from his critical condition”. “Roshan I just hate formalities.You can call me just Chaya”. As her eye contact continued, suddenly she felt a strange feeling presiding all over her. Her perception of the visitor was more towards some new turn in her. 

“Chaya! It is surprising as to how we had missed each other all these days though we are staying in the same neighborhood and our families also in Bangalore have been very close for a long time" "“Roshan! I was also thinking on the same lines.” Chaya’s cryptic response led to a long pause. Roshan was keen to continue the conversation. He was searching for some pretext to start again.  When he saw the unpacked cartons around, he said “Chaya! Have you moved in very recently to this apartment? I could see the unpacked cartons all over”. “Yes. Just a week before I moved in here. Before this, I was in another apartment in the same building I have been very busy since then and that is why the whole place is in a mess". “I am working as a computer programmer in Jayson Technologies here” Roshan impressed her with part of his CV. “I am working as a paralegal assistant with Taylor and Brawler, an immigration law firm downtown. “ Chaya’s response was more measured. “I am looking for an immigration law firm to file an adjustment of status to permanent residency. Do you think whether your firm could handle this?” Roshan thought he paved a way to be in frequent contact with her. Chaya’s reply was in the affirmative and said” Why not? You can give me a call and come over to my office with the papers”. Though Chaya’s response was very casual, it mattered a lot for Roshan as he would create a lot of opportunities to meet her frequently. They exchanged their business cards for future contacts and Roshan was all glee when he left Chaya’s place. 

Chaya’s disappointment with Riaz’s behavior did confuse her. Even at the time of his contract with his employers, Riaz was very particular in his terms that during weekends he would not be asked to work. But this was seldom strictly followed. Somehow Riaz also justified his stay in Boston during weekends under the pretext that Sandra was very particular in completing an important project.  So far she had already missed three weekends. He was told that he was the only capable person who could handle that intricate assignment with a deadline set. Chaya was well aware of the staff set up in his firm.  There were also others also available with the same specialized skills and expertise. Then why Riaz alone was picked up for this assignment?

Chaya could not ignore or neglect Sandra’s charming personality. She was tall, slender with lustrous blond hair, flawless skin, and striking facial features combined with a flamboyant style. With her bright eyes, she always mixed her warm smile and enormous charm to lure people. With Raza, it was quite easy for her as his boss and wield her official authority to achieve what she desired. Her doubt was more reinforced whenever Chaya questioned Riaz indirectly on her inherent fear of Sandra’s involvement with him, Riaz managed to convince her of Sandra’s assurance to upgrade him to a higher position with relative financial raise. Sandra had also confirmed to compensate with special financial gains for weekend work.  According to Chaya, these incentives were mere bait thrown by Sandra at Riaz.  She thought he had either in a state of complete denial to divulge the truth or he was professing ignorance for a more sinister reason.  Though she had immense faith and trust in Riaz as she had understood him well in all these years, she was also not prepared to rule out the cardinal principle of man’s weakness on such opportunities. According to her, the definition of morality after all is lack of opportunity. She felt a sharp pang of jealousy over Sandra. In short, Chaya’s mind was a chessboard where she was in a checkmate scenario with Sandra. Her king was at stake with Sandra’s move.

Roshan was jubilant at his first success to be in touch with Chaya. He never spared any stone unturned to keep that momentum. He called Chaya in her law firm many a time regarding his visa problem. During one such meeting, Roshan invited her for a lunch outside. Her instant acceptance was more a positive start in his wishful plans of wedded life with her. In the absence of Riaz, Chaya also felt a kind of relieving and relaxing mood whenever she was in Roshan’s company. Roshan was also inquisitive to know whether she had anybody in her mind before a possibility of his wishful thinking to become a reality. It was more than his own plan of a life with her, as their families also in India had already formally agreed on this proposal.   During the lunch meeting he wanted to divulge his intentions of proposing to her “With his chronic heart problem, your dad seems to be very anxious to have your marriage celebrated. This I came to know through my dad.” After making this feeler, Roshan made a pause for a reaction from Chaya. 

“Yes. My dad worries about everything in life. I have my own personal reasons for my inability to comply with his wishes. I prefer not to lock horns with him on this issue. I would convince him soon. I need at least a year before I settle down with a life partner. I have told him this many times and he still keeps harboring on this again and again.”  While she preferred to open-shut the conversation on her marriage, she still preferred to maintain the dialogue with Roshan to find out his inner intentions. Finally, she ended with her query as to any further details about her dad’s medical condition. “Well, I did not have much except he is now okay and crossed the critical situation. It appears he is more stressed and worried about you all the time”

She knew she was skating on a thin ice on this issue. A strange feeling of guilt passed through her. It was reprehensible to her and she could not see Roshan eye to eye when she made that statement. Certainly, she was inclined to talk any further as she had her own sense of shame knocking her on such a false statement. Obviously, she had to apply restraint to her reaction. She was exploring avenues to change that sensitive subject into something of a general nature. At that stage, she was not prepared to divulge her marriage with Riaz. She knew that would be carried to her father immediately through Roshan’s family. Roshan was also not inclined to pursue that any further at that time. He just looked at his watch and said “it is getting late. I will give a call tomorrow” With a parting note Roshan dropped her home.

It was a restless night for Chaya. The feeling of loneliness mercilessly haunted her and fueled her confused mind. Without Riaz, she hated even to think more such weekends in the future. She was questioning herself what she would do if this would happen frequently and Riaz continued to stay out with Sandra. The image of Roshan rushed into her mind. He is handsome and smart. He also belonged to her religion. On a comparison, she felt, the farther Riaz was, Roshan was closer to her. She was exasperated at her overpowering emotions. At one point, she was disgusted even at the very thought of such a move in her life. She was married to Riaz and she married him only after a long dating and total understanding between them. Riaz though belonged to a very different religion; he was gracious enough not to impose any of his religious faiths. She hated the very idea of betraying Riaz. However much she liked to erase the strange thoughts of her supposed involvement to Roshan, it was getting serious and stronger proportions.

If she had to decide to keep off from Roshan, she could do so only by divulging him of her marriage with Riaz. Now that Roshan was going to be in constant touch with her on some pretext or other, he would certainly ensure that such meetings are continued more frequently and kept them alive so that there would be an opportunity for him to come out with his offer of marriage. In such instances, if she behaves indifferently and precisely negates him, it would impel Roshan to feel defeated. The defeated Roshan would not be quiet and like to probe reasons for her refusal. If she concedes to him that she was married, it was a statement of the obvious that he would convey that message immediately to her father. That probably would be the last straw for her father's end.  Tossed between these feelings, she was confused about the future course of action she should resort to. 

Even with this mindset, Chaya found more solace towards Roshan. She felt very happy and comfortable in the company of Roshan;  as he was in constant contact with her with his overly personal concern. In one of these meetings, Roshan suddenly proposed – “Chaya! Why don’t we go for dinner tonight?” His instant request was a total surprise to her. It was also her birthday. Since morning she expected a call from Riaz to wish her. As there was no call from him she was more disappointed. and made her accept Roshan’s invitation for that night’s dinner.

The Blue Moon restaurant was on the waterfront of Cuyahoga River in Cleveland. When they reached the restaurant, it was seven in the evening. The restaurant was a hallmark of luxury. The very entrance doors were in rosewood with handcrafted designs. The interior lobby was in vibrant colors. When they were ushered by the lobby receptionist, Chaya was astounded by the lavish interior designs. Chaya could well visualize Rohan’s taste and lifestyle. When Chaya preferred to have champagne, Roshan immediately ordered the premium French brand that authenticated his taste for quality and not comprising anything less for premium brands. He preferred to have Scotch on the rocks. Roshan was keeping the time alive with good humor and subtle jokes, followed by discussions ranging from potatoes to politics. After dinner when the waiter brought the birthday cake, Chaya’s eyes reflected a big surprise. “Roshan! How do you know my birth date?” Chaya’s voice was filled with curiosity combined with happiness. . “When my dad spoke to me about you at the instance of your father, they were planning a marriage alliance between us. My dad told me your birth details for your age. That was how I knew your birthday”.Roshan happily divulged the secret. “Thanks a million for the nice evening.” After her cutting the cake, Roshan chanted ‘Happy Birthday’.  Chaya could perceive how much Roshan was personally involved and sincere in greeting her on her birthday with such lavish hospitality.

Chaya now understood Roshan’s plans behind his offers. She could feel Roshan’s plan was more of his parental desire combined with his own. She also sensed a kind of conspiracy hatched by her father to make her settle in married life.  This led her into more confusion. Though Roshan wished a favorable response from her, he was cautious that he had not driven or compelled her for an instant favorable reply. He even wished that it would be better late for a positive answer than an instant negative one.  He wanted to ensure that she was not embarrassed in any way, particularly when she was the beneficiary of his favor of a fabulously entertaining evening on her birthday. “It was very late now. Let me call you in the morning. Have sweet dreams” Roshan escorted her to his car and dropped in her apartment.

When Chaya returned home, she called Riaz to check on the reason for his not even wishing her on her birthday. As there was no response in his home telephone number, she called him at the office. To her surprise, Sandra; picked up the call.  Chaya could hear the happy giggling all over there. “Sandra here!.”. Chaya could well visualize what was going on there. “Could I speak to Riaz please?” Chaya was meaning to be polite to Sandra, but it turned out to be otherwise. Finally, Riaz came on the line. “Chaya, my apologies to you. I was meaning to call and wish you; but it was such a hectic busy day, I could not call you. You will be surprised I have not wished even Sandra here as it was her birthday.too. Only in the late evening, we decided to go out for a dinner and we are just back now to finish the job and that is how I am in office now” 

What a strange coincidence? Their birthdays are on the same date. Chaya did not relish that and labeled it as the most unfortunate coincidence. The night was slightly cool with a gentle breeze outside. Chaya could not sleep for a while. She was more analyzing the incidents of the day with the people involved. It was indeed difficult for her to make a decision about her future life. She had all respect and regard for Roshan. An excellent young man with decency and dignity personified in his every move. A patron of high style and luxury. On the other, Riaz was benign, honest, and sincere. She cannot just erase the memorable memories of her earlier time with Riaz. She thought he had become a victim of circumstances through Sandra and not on his own. She was ready to forgive him. But she was not sure whether Sandra’s involvement was serious with Riaz.  

Riaz was equally perturbed with the indifference of Chaya. Her abrupt ending of their conversations somehow left an indelible impression that she preferred to keep him away. It was true that he had to spend more time with Sandra in office solely on official assignments that would be responsible for Riaz’s future career in the firm. Maybe Sandra would also like to utilize such opportunities to have access to personal passionate favors. Though Riaz also expected any such move by Sandra any time, he was happy that there was none so far in that direction. He regretted his situation where he could not spend his time with Chaya even on the weekends. To begin with he accepted that assignment especially on his career opportunities. He never expected to prolong that for a long period including the weekends. As he was halfway through the assignment, he could not leave in the middle. He easily visualized Chaya’s mindset on her birthday night when she had the unfortunate opportunity to hear Sandra’s giggling in his company. He also understood the havoc caused by his serious lapse of not wishing Chaya on her birthday until she called him. He finally preferred to leave the situation to take its own course and face any probable penalties thereon. But he was totally in the dark with Roshan’s entry into Chaya’s life.

Sandra was the happiest person with Riaz as he was all devoted and dedicated to the special project assignment for that she was responsible for the firm. If the project was to be approved by the multi-national European Corporation for implementation in their operation, her firm would reflect as the best performer in the industry and consequent financial gains in the year. This means Sandra’s chances of getting into the Board were more certain. Only to achieve this goal, Sandra preferred to be with Riaz to provide moral support and technical assistance. She had no intention of developing any kind of passionate relationship with Riaz, except that being too close with him would be a personal pep to get the best of Riaz for the assignment. She also had an inherent fear that if Riaz was allowed to visit his wife during weekends,  there would be a delay in the completion of the project. Also, for some reason, if he was unable to turn up on Mondays, she had to face the consequences for the delay from the Board.  She was well aware and recognized the feelings of Chaya on her loneliness and regretted keeping her ‘weekend’ husband away from her. But she could hardly do anything to help her when her stake of becoming a Director in the Board was hanging in the balance depending on the success of the project. 

This was a Monday morning following the birthday weekend when Sandra entered her office. Riaz was already in his seat working on the assignment. He did not feel her presence by his side until Sandra herself wished him with the morning greetings. Sandra could see an aura of disappointment in him. She inferred that her ‘giggling’ on the birthday night could have sent wrong signals to Chaya of her behavior with Riaz and consequent confrontation between them could be the reason for his depressed feelings. “Riaz! How is that going? Have you finished the second phase? Sandra’s voice echoed concern “Yes. But I am unable to concentrate on the third phase for my personal reasons. Still, I hope to finish it before the end of the day.” Riaz’s response was well-calibrated. His tone was too formal and Sandra could understand his feelings. 

Riaz’s mind was a boiling pot with Yester night’s incidents playing a heavy role... He was breaking his head as to how to convince Chaya that Sandra’s giggling in his company was just an incident without anything meant either by him or Sandra.  The only possible way he thought was to personally convince her by a visit to Cleveland. That was not possible with the assignment on hand as Sandra would not allow him to leave Boston as he was the only person who knew the “nuts and bolts” of the project. Leaving the situation as it had happened would certainly intensify the animosity of Chaya.  Finally, he decided to call Chaya and explain what he had in his mind. He knew it was not going to be that simple as he thought.  Yet he felt he should make at least an attempt. He could console himself on his reminiscing about the pleasant weekends he had with Chaya that gave him ephemeral delight.

“Chaya! How are you today?” Riaz was not daring to proceed straight to the point on which he wanted to clarify.  “I am much better today” Chaya’s instant but cryptic response was an open-shut one.  Riaz thought to strike the iron when it was hot without much loss of time. “Chaya, I know how you feel about yesterday’s night incident. It was a very unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. When you called, we were just cracking jokes and that was how you heard Sandra’s giggle. As we had to complete the project, after the simple birthday dinner, we came back to the office and continued working on our assignment. I do deeply apologize for not having wished you on your birthday. Believe me, it was not intentional. It was more a slip up due to hectic work schedule. I feel like flying to Cleveland and explain the scenario in person to convince you. Unfortunately, I am unable to move out from this place till the completion of the assignment. This is not an excuse. This is my predicament” Riaz felt relieved with his confession as he gave her a verbal shape of his feelings. Chaya was just a listener to the whole conversation. She did not like to react either way as she was not still convinced by his explanation. There could never be a second chance for a first impression. The entire episode made an inedible impression in her mind. “Riaz! Thanks for giving me your explanation. Let me have the option to think it over. Leave me alone now.” She closed the conversation. 

Chaya was quite early in her office on that day as she had to finish some paperwork for a client and also to be in the INS office concerning an immigration case. There was none in the office when she came in. To her surprise, there was a phone call. When she picked up, it was an international call from her dad. “Chaya! Your father here. How are you?” She felt happy hearing her dad’s voice for the first time after his recent return from the hospital.   “Dad I am fine. How is your health now? I am so happy to hear your normal voice. I am sure you are regular with your medication.” “Chaya I am fine. As I had been telling you all the time, I live only for you. Did Roshan call on you? What do you feel about him? He is from a very good family known to us well here. Do you like him?”

“Dad! Roshan called on me and conveyed the news of your heart attack, hospitalization, and later return. I am lucky you survived the critical condition. Roshan is a nice person. With good manners and a smart personality. About my liking, dad, as I had been repeatedly telling you, I need at least one more year to think about my marriage. Please don’t make any commitment to his or any other family on this issue. For the present, leave me alone and I shall come back to you very soon on this. How is the weather there?” Chaya wanted to change the topic. “Roshan seems to be very happy with you. His father informed me of this. I am sure I could get some positive response from you soon. I am old now. I don’t think I will survive in another heart attack" She could sense her dad's half-hearted response.

The sentimental note played by her dad had a very strong impact on her. It was a difficult task for her to take a decision on her two choices. The first to continue to live with Riaz after a convincing personal explanation from him that it was a purely official assignment relationship with Sandra and nothing beyond. A decisive declaration that Riaz’s assignment in Boston would be finished very shortly. If for any reason Riaz is unable to comply with her terms, they would be legally separated and Roshan to become her new life partner. With this, she knew she would be making her father very happy.  But she also seriously thought whether Roshan would be prepared to marry her when he comes to know she was already married and she concealed it all along. Exasperated at the emotional mixed feelings, she was trying to control herself. She felt she had been trapped by people – Riaz, Sandra, Roshan, and her dad.  Now she had to spill her beans on whatever she would like to decide and not evasive any more.  There was no news from Riaz also about his coming at least that weekend to convince her. Roshan’s repeated demand for an instant response from her for his offer, also frequently continued. She was tossing herself in bed without finding a solution to her predicament.

Chaya’s wishful waiting for Riaz’s arrival till noon was more a futile effort. There was not even a telephone call from him. She was also not inclined to call him as she thought it was for Riaz to mend the fences with her. After her lunch in the downtown restaurant, as she was driving into her building, she saw Roshan driving out from it. She inferred he must have visited her apartment and returning when he found it was locked. As Roshan was driving very fast in frustrated mood, she was wondering as to what would be the reason for it. When she entered her apartment to her surprise, she found it was already opened. When she pressed the calling bell, she found Riaz opening the door. Whatever the differences she had with him, his sudden visit without any prior notice, was more a pleasant surprise to her. She felt happy to see him. “Hi, Chaya! How are you?” Riaz was absolutely normal as he used to be, and in no way he was different from her.  She could see the same old Riaz with his radiating and vibrant powerful romantic eyes. Obviously, this proved that Sandra’s relationship was only official and had not done any damage as she imagined. “Chaya my profound apologies to you for whatever happened.” 

Chaya’s inhibitions and apprehensions suddenly vanished at Riaz’s personal presence. She was able to come out very clear of her confused mind. All along the physical absence of Riaz and the continued presence of Roshan were the main reasons for her turbulent feelings. “Chaya. before you came, there was a visitor for you by the name of Roshan. He asked me as to how I am and how I am related to you. I just laughed and said I am your husband. I don’t know why his face became suddenly sullen and sad, and just left the place abruptly” Chaya was in a way happy since what she wanted to convey to Roshan all along was so casually done by Riaz. ”Chaya. I have one good news and one bad news to you”. She was very anxious to know both. “There was a call from your father in Bangalore. When he enquired me as to who I am, I told him that I am your husband”. Chaya was instantly flooded with fear of the news of another heart attack to her father. “Riaz! What did he say to you?” Chaya was very instant in interrogating him. “Sorry, Chaya. I had a follow-up call also  and somebody informed me that your dad had a heart attack and now he is in a coma stage.  The good news is that I have finished my assignment with Sandra in Boston. I also got a very attractive job offer in Cleveland itself. This means I am no more a WEEKEND HUSBAND  but a full-time husband.

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