Wednesday, December 7, 2022

 Destiny’s Dictum

P. Krishnamoorthy

It was the first weekend.  After a day’s grueling work, Kishore wanted to go to a pub with Sheila, a co-worker in Efficient Technologies, to have some fun and relaxation in Skyview Place.  Before leaving he called her on the phone about meeting In Skyview. He was thrilled to hear her acceptance.  Though Kishore’s intimacy with Sheila was nearly two years, it was the first time he got her okay to visit a pub with him. It was drizzling outside, and Kishore was eagerly awaiting Sheila’s arrival. There was music and dancing going on in full blast inside the pub. When she arrived, Kishore was so jubilant to see her in black ‘One shoulder mermaid’ formal dress. Before joining the crowd in the hall, Kishore picked up beers for them. The music was enchanting and created the mood to join the fun with the crowd. 

Kishore was a senior mainframe developer with eight years’ experience in the firm.  Sheila was his system analyst. Also, an engineering graduate from Mumbai, joined Efficient technology two years ago, became very close to Kishore, mainly thru professional proximity to start with, later became his lover and their togetherness ending in Kishore’s proposing her for life partnership. 

Kishore, also from Mumbai, was the only son for his parents.  Right from his childhood he was very possessive in everything. Since he was very brilliant in academics and top in athletics, both his school and college managements were proud to have him as their asset student. There was a call in his cell phone. His father from Mumbai was on the line. The message was his mother got admitted in the hospital for a massive heart attack in a critical condition. The doctor’s advice to wait for 24 hours before anything could be said. He wanted him to come immediately. Kishore was more attached to his mother. He would do anything to satisfy her. He got shattered on hearing the news. He rushed to Shailaja’s cabin and informed her that he had to go to Mumbai as his mother had been admitted to the hospital for a heart attack.  He wanted Shailaja to take care of his duties until he came back.

 When Kishore arrived in Mumbai on the afternoon flight, it was pouring. He was unable to control his emotions when he saw his father. He saw his mother lying in the ICU. The next day there was some improvement in her condition but still, as per the doctor’s advice, another 24 hours to go for a stable condition. The whole family members gathered in the hospital to enquire about her condition.  On the third day, she was out of critical stage.  Kishore had to stay until she was discharged and returned home. On her return, she was incredibly pleased to see Kishore. Among various visitors, his mother’s close and family friend Nirupam came to see her with her only daughter Shilpa.  During their talk, Kishore’s marriage with Shilpa was discussed. His mother directly voiced her decision that Kishore’s marriage would be with Shilpa only and she had already promised Nirupam on this. She wanted the wedding to take place imminently considering her present health condition.  Both Kishore and his father were reminded of the doctor’s advice that any reaction to any shocking news or contradictory message would affect her heart condition. Hence the whole family had agreed to the proposal except Kishore. He was not inclined to their proposal.  As his mother insisted the marriage to take place immediately, Kishore had no other option except to accept his mother’s decision. Accordingly, the marriage was celebrated in a simple manner in a temple. 

It was time for Kishore to leave Mumbai. As he was packing his things, suddenly he found his mother’s condition becoming critical again. This was due to a gossip she heard from a distant relative that Kishore was not happy on this marriage since he had already proposed to Shailaja, a colleague in his office.  This time the attack was so severe that she could not withstand it and instantly collapsed. Kishore’s return to Bangalore was delayed by another two weeks that was agreed upon by his management. 

After all the dust settled, Kishore with Shilpa returned to Bangalore. Shilpa was very jubilant as she was stepping into a new phase in her life. She had lots of insatiable ideas for romantic moments with Kishore during their honeymoon jaunt. On the contrary, Kishore was feeling guilty to face Shailaja after all the developments.

He was unable to justify his action to Shailaja as the developments were the outcome of circumstantial conspiracy.  They were beyond his control. He was recollecting his earlier days with her. All those happy times now appeared as mirage to him. More than his own feelings, he was thinking about Shailaja’s reaction towards him.  Since his arrival, she spoke to him strictly in a professional way and never mentioned anything about his marriage with Shilpa. This kind of silence on her part about his wedding added more guilt in him, for he expected her to come up with some reaction.  

As the days passed by, Kishore’s mental stability was losing strength.  To vent his feelings of depression he resorted to drinking combined with chain smoking. In the office he was unable to look Shailaja in her eyes. Only few words from her about his marriage, like it was taken place because of various circumstances which were beyond his control and to condone him for his action. But she continued her silence that was tormenting him a great deal.  Instead of directly telling him, she should convey them at least through others and her plans for future life which would make him happy. 

His formal marriage reception party that was delayed due to condolence period, was later fixed and all his colleagues decided to visit his home and welcome Shilpa into their fold.  They had fixed the time and day to meet her at Kishore’s residence. Kishore was sure that Shailaja would not join them to avoid any embarrassment between her and Shilpa before other colleagues. Surprisingly, on that day Shailaja came with them to his residence and met Shilpa. Since his return from Mumbai, Shilpa, through her Bangalore friend got all the news of Kishore’s love affair with Shailaja and his proposal to marry her. During the party, the strange behavior of Kishore towards Shilpa was observed by his colleagues. At least after some days, Shilpa expected Kishore to divulge his affair with Shailaja, but he never revealed anything at any time.  

In this scenario, his colleagues exchanged welcome greetings to Shilpa. A bouquet of roses was presented by Shailaja on everybody’s behalf. Shilpa’s enthralled looks on Shailaja and her reciprocal awestruck looks were equally powerful, each admiring their personal beauty.  After all the formalities and usual official gossip, they finished the dinner that was served from a restaurant, and they all left Kishore’s place. 

 Kishore was confused with Shailaja’ s strange behavior during the party. He expected her, being the only female member in the office group, to talk to Shilpa at length about the marriage and convey her condolence on her mother-in-law’s death. But Shailaja’s strange behavior of maintaining silence during her entire stay was puzzling to Kishore.  

Shilpa, after following up with Kishore’s activities like morning jogging and other rituals of taking bath and preparing to go to office, he seldom spoke to her. He also returned home very late at night. Obviously, Shilpa could see the rift becoming wider between them. Shilpa, as an individual, valued more of her self-respect. She felt she was neglected and insulted by him. Everyday seemed to become unbearable with his indifference. She agreed for youngsters to have girlfriends or get involved in love affairs before their marriage. But once married, she expected them to be sincere to their wives for a happy new life, without reminiscing about their earlier romances. Though Shilpa had no love affair in her college days, she too had handled many of her friends’ problems.  She had now reached a stage where she could not continue long with her miserable life.  As divorce option was against the wishes of her father, she had been to a professional marriage counselor to solve her problem. She was advised to give some more time as his behavior could change once Shailaja’s next move in life was known. Either she would leave her job or find somebody to get married to. Either way the professional proximity of Kishore would not last long.   

With both husband and wife’s life brewing to a breaking point, their reconciliation seemed to be impossible and reached a point where they had to be compulsorily separated. They even consulted the lawyers for a resolution. Kishore’s wishful thinking to marry Shailaja if his present marriage ended in a divorce, was more a remote possibility than a reality.  But would Shailaja be prepared to wait that long and agree to marry him?  Only time alone could sort out such a paradox. Even after Shilpa’s trip to her parents in Mumbai to get relief, did not get the desired result. The problem remained confused with no answer. 

Kishore would like to spend more time in the office. The advantage being Shailaja’s presence was available as she had to assist him officially even after office hours. With this their professional proximity increased and he enjoyed her company every moment. He even dropped her at her residence in the late hours.  He felt a kind of sentimental attachment towards her. Also, he was sure that she will come out to marry him if he becomes single again.  Her continued silence made him think that she was still in love with him.  After dropping her in the apartment, he stayed there overnight, as she feared his drunken driving. She informed Shilpa that he was staying at her place for the night because of his drunken stage.  Kishore felt very happy on her initiative as Shilpa got a message of his staying with Shailaja for the night.

When he raised the issue of divorcing, Shilpa bluntly refused.  Shilpa knew all his financial backing, his investments, bank accounts, his lavish apartment where they were living.  As the bank accounts were jointly made, she had free access to them. 

As days passed, Kishore’s mind was in turmoil. He had increased his drinking habit and become a total alcoholic. Shailaja was a silent spectator and not making any personal effort to stop his drinking habit.  It was also surprising for the management not to interfere in Kishore’s personal life as Kishore’s efficiency in handling official matters in time without any slip up. They were baffled with his on-time performance in attending the office and finishing the work.  Shilpa’s nagging continued and Kishore was becoming more desperate without any solution to the problem. 

 It was a Sunday.  Kishore was jogging in the nearby park.  After a few minutes break, he again continued his jogging and returned home.  At home he found there was total silence. He checked every room. Shilpa was not to be seen anywhere. Finally, when he checked the bathroom, he found Shilpa lying on the ground unconscious. Kishore shouted for help. With the help of some ladies from nearby apartments Shilpa was brought to the living room and found her dead. When Kishore checked in the bathroom, he found she was electrocuted for a long time due to a short circuit in the main switch adjacent to the shower area. 

According to Kishore, the whole scenario was providential. Shilpa paid her price for the torture she gave him. Kishore was very complacent now with Shilpa’s accidental demise.  His deceptive melancholic appearance during condolence period was remarkable whereas his inner conscience celebrated Shilpa’s demise. He construed her death was a divine dictum to clear his way to revive his earlier proposal to Shailaja. He was rewinding the scene where Shailaja was silent when Shilpa indirectly hinted at Kishore’s relationship with her. She could have said that she was not interested anymore. Instead, she made that scene open for future life partnership through her silence. His calculations clearly confirmed his longing for her. The ball was in her court now and he was very optimistic about the issue. With the exit of Shilpa, his inner joy and happiness made him start the offer. 

The testimony for such thinking was the occasion when he stayed overnight in her apartment at her request. He felt she was a well-wisher always. She reflected that feeling with her stopping him from driving after heavy drinking in the night. Probably she would have offered to revive their romantic days on that night, but for his alcoholic stage. Kishore was even rehearsing as to how he can revive the offer now.  With all kinds of positive approaches, he envisaged a revival. On the other side, he was also rehearsing to face a negative response from Shailaja for his offer. Then he compromised at least with getting rid of Shilpa’s torture. With a peg of large whisky, he concluded his soliloquy with a good night. 

Next morning Kishore got up early. As it was drizzling outside, he did not go for his usual jog. He was preparing to go to the office. He was all in good cheer as he was trying to revive his proposal with Shailaja on that day.   There was a call in his cell and one of the office staff called and asked him to come to the office immediately for an emergency.  Without giving any details, he disconnected the call. Kishore thought there was some fire accident in his office. When he reached the office, he found all the staff had gathered in the hall except Shailaja. When Kishore questioned, the office manager replied that last night she was murdered in her apartment and police were investigating. On hearing this, Kishore felt a big blow on his head and the whole world shattered to pieces.  He was feeling dizzy and fainted. The staff helped him to clear his dizziness and gradually divulged the details. Around ten in the night, some intruder entered her apartment. At point blank the intruder shot her with a hand pistol on her face and instantly she died. Neighbors called the police and removed the body to the mortuary. The intruder was caught while escaping and confessed the killing. It appeared that on instructions from a lady named Shilpa, he had killed Shailaja for a ransom of one lakh rupees earlier received by him. 

Kishore was bewildered at the details. Immediately he rushed to check his bank account that showed a withdrawal of a similar amount by Shilpa two days before.  With a criminal mind to kill Shailaja, Shilpa’s accidental demise was a clear ‘destiny’s dictum’ as the price paid for her criminal act..  He was also regretting on his  destiny's decision that he should be in solitude. .

