Monday, April 13, 2020


"The wood is decked in light green leaf.
The swallow twitters in delight.
The lonely vine sheds joyous tears
Of interwoven dew and light.
Spring weaves a gown of green to clad

The mountain height and wide-spread field.

O when wilt thou, my native land,
In all thy glory stand revealed?"
-  Ilia Chavchavadze, Spring

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

                    The Boy and his Toy
                               -    P.Krishnamoorthy

It was the period since late 2019 when the emergence of a new coronavirus happened in central China that was responsible for a deadly disease of the century to the human race. Cases of this disease, known as COVID-19, have since been reported not only across China, but in many other countries around the globe. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared this virus represents a public health emergency of international concern. On January 31, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared it to be a health emergency for the United States. This led to a series of measures undertaken by U.S. Federal and State governments, like stay-in-doors, social distancing guidelines, quarantine, etc. In the onslaught of global  covid-19, Elpaso, Texas was also not spared.  In the span of a week, the number of covid-19 cases were doubled in El Paso. Various counties in and around this town tallied many cases. With the cases keep rising, more and more stringent and preventive measures were adopted throughout Elpaso.  

With all the educational institutions closed on account of covid-19 in Texas state, the schools in Elpaso were following suit to conform to them. Charles Winston, a 9-year old,  resident of Oasis ranch in Elpaso,  and the only son of Baker Watson and Emily Isabel, was very happy in staying home and playing the various video games.  He enjoyed this break as it helped him to get up very late in the mornings. Baker was working as a supervisor in the local copper and tungsten mines and  Emily as a nurse in the Children's’ Hospital in Providence. Since the outbreak of  covid-19, she was very busy in the hospital and returned home in alternate days. Due to a shortage of laborers,  Baker used to leave home for the mining site early in the mornings and returning very late in the evenings. Charles involvement in various video games kept him extremely happy all through the day. He was taking care of himself for all his needs during the day. Whenever he felt bored with the video games, he spent his time talking to his friends on the phone. His food requirements were taken care of by Emily, who prepared and kept the dishes and beverages available for a week in the refrigerator. In short, the life of Charles was not that difficult as he was very happy with various activities in the day. Emily in her free time called him over the phone and check his activities from the hospital.  

Though Charles had everything as he wanted, his regret of not having the popular toy - Contixo Smart Robot Toy -  was his longing one to his possession. On the telephone, all his friends brag about having it. Its special features include lots of fun with singing, dancing, walking and interacts with the boys. It was providing entertainment and experience with robotics and advanced technology. This could also play music, move around, and speak. Boys loved it for its small and portable size. With simple voice commands and touch sensors, this Robot was easy to operate and a good companion of dreaming ‘sidekick entertainment’. Charles was pestering his parents to get one for him. Emily just overlooked his request due to her professional commitments.  But Charles was not leaving her and believed his persistent efforts would prove bearing fruits soon.

Lucas Johnson of Charles’ age, who suddenly suffered from covid-19 attack,  rushed to the emergency room as he had all the symptoms of infection.. The doctors found him with high fever, strep throat, and respiratory problems. He was then transferred to ICU. A few hours later he died in spite of doctors’ best efforts to save him.  His mother, Mary, a single parent, was not even allowed to see her dead son due to covid-19. Emily was taking care of him in the ER and ICU. Mary suspected her son contracted the virus while he was playing with other kids in the park.  Emily was moved in tears with his death as he was of her son’s age. With full of sadness, Emily returned home and found Charles waiting for her return. She tried to appear normal outwardly without a trace of her sadness. Charles, as usual, demanded his ‘pound of flesh’ of Contixo robot. She tried to convince him to wait a couple of days when she would get the robot. As there was a temporary truce over the issue between the two,  that night had passed peacefully except her carrying over the sad sentiments internally. 

The next morning, Emily was in the hospital on time. The cleaning lady, while cleaning the ICU room of Lucas, found a robot and his other sundry belongings which she intended for garbage. Emily’s eyes saw the robot in that pile. Suddenly she was reminded of her son’s plea for a robot toy. She thought she could give that to Charles and silence him. She took the robot from the pile and kept it with her to carry home. After that day’s work, Emily came home with the robot. As usual, Charles was waiting for her. When he saw a robot with his mother, he was immensely pleased ad overjoyed. He grabbed it from her and yelled it was Contixo robot, as desired by him. After a passing thanks to Emily, he took it with him to his bed. He played for a long time and slept with it.

The next morning when Emily was ready to go to the hospital, she heard continuous coughing noise from Charles room. When she peeped into his room she found Charles was struggling to breathe combined with a heavy cough. She rushed into his room and found he was sweating from high fever and swollen eyes. He was breathing hard and could barely speak.  As she noticed those symptoms tallied with covid-19, she rushed him to the hospital and the doctors treated him in the emergency room. When they were enquiring with Emily, the source for covid-19 infection, she could not exactly specify the source except for, the robot held by late Lucas earlier, that was taken by Emily and given to Charles. The doctors briefed her that the infection was transferred from Lucas’ robot to Charles as the latter was keeping that with him in the whole night The redeeming part of the scenario was Charles’ infection could be treated successfully as he rightly responded to their treatment. Also, he had the immunity to fight the disease in his system and Charles was thankfully in recovery. According to doctors, covid-19  infection could be transmitted via inanimate objects also. Emily felt guilty in getting the Lucas’ robot toy to Charles, and also on her ignorance of not knowing the transmission fact. While Emily's thoughts were recollecting the past anxious and emotional hours, she was taken aback with the voice of Charles asking "What happened to my robot?"   Emily heaved a big sigh of relief and offered prayers to the Lord for saving him from that evil disease.  
